
Mortgage Mario

Atlanta Realtor Ariel Blackwood interview

realtor ariel blackwood

ariel blackwood interview-video transcript

Hello this is Mario Cardenas with the
Affinity Home Lending i’m a loan officer
and i’m with the best out of the best
out of the best Ariel Blackwood she is a
realtor based out of metro Atlanta how
are you doing today Ariel i’m great how
are you doing mario i’m doing awesome
yeah in San Francisco right now just
enjoying the amazing weather
all i’ve got is a thermostat yeah
yeah definitely not a zoom background i
promise you so
um but Ariel she’s an awesome realtor
i’ve worked with her before on previous
transactions and um i guarantee if she
can’t sell your house then absolutely no
one can so um Ariel if you can please
introduce yourself and your business and
uh what makes you an awesome realtor
sure so like he said on Ariel Blackwood
i am with the Blackwood team at exp
realty i work on a team with my mom
who’s been in the business for as long
as i’ve been alive and i won’t tell you
how long that is for her sake
but um
i think something that makes me stand
out from the rest is
one my my history in psychology now bear
with me um
real estate is a psychological process
it is emotional so i love dealing with
and what their stories understanding
what their story is and how i can best
help them through that and then on the
other side i love the negotiation piece
so as i understand what people’s
priorities are and how to best serve
them i can then translate that into
how to best negotiate um for them so on
the sell side the get you the most
amount of money in the least amount of
time with the least amount of hassle and
then on the buy side basically the same
thing but for the least amount of money
in the least amount of time with the
least amount of hassle so um that’s what
i really pride myself on and i would
love the opportunity to get to know you
that’s awesome thank you so much for
sharing that so would you say that you
specialize more on the buying side
selling side
um what would you say from that
perspective real estate industry
sure so i specialize more on the buy
side currently
um just to be honest i don’t have as
much listing experience though i work
like i said with my mom who has
many years of the sell side experience
in both sides so as a team we really we
really have have both bases covered
there um but as far as me personally i i
like working with buyers most as of now
awesome and so one last question what do
you like most about real estate what
kind of gets you up in the morning out
of bed that makes you really passionate
excited about it the people a hundred
percent i love the people that i work
with most of them um i
i really like i mentioned earlier i love
hearing people’s stories everyone has
one and it really enables me to become
friends with my clients i go to happy
hour and go to dinner with my clients i
really take the time to invest in who
they are and what their families are
like and understand that moving can be
an emotional process regardless of how
exciting and so it’s the people that
keeps me going and um you know you keep
it about the people everything else will
fall into place
same hero awesome thank you so much for
introducing yourself in your business uh
ariel if anyone needs an awesome realtor
i highly recommend uh ariel and uh you
heard it first here on uh mario
kartness’s affinity home lending youtube
joe so yeah
you heard it
awesome have a great day and um you know
keep keep selling those houses

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